Met William Vaughn Palmer on Ashley Madison. William Vaughn Palmer still has an active profile. WVP40. He’s 28. Beer salesman. We hooked up a couple of times. He has a girlfriend named Claire. Supposedly she’s smart. But this guy is meeting women all over Ashley Madison behind her back.  William Vaughn Palmer talks a good line… But William Vaughn Palmer’s constantly looking for other women behind each other’s back. William Vaughn Palmer’s a male whore. William Vaughn Palmer’s not circumsized. William Vaughn Palmer doesn’t wear a condom. And he knocked me up. William Vaughn Palmer phone number is 4043910572. He works for Red Brick Brewing. He travels all over the southeast screwing anyone who will screw him. Call and text him all you want and tell him what a whore he is. And be sure to congratulate him on the baby he doesn’t even want to know about.