She had sex with her therapy clients baby daddy, Shawn Begley, outside up against the house while her client was in her house sleeping. Then she had the nerve to blame her client and say she shouldn’t have left them alone. They were at her house staying because the baby daddy was getting paid to help Sonja with some yard work. The baby daddy left the client for Sonja and the client became homeless and ended up losing custody of her children. Sonja and Shawn remain in an on again off again relationship despite shawns addiction to meth and domestic violence towards Sonja. This isn’t the only client she was giving therapy to that she slept with. She also slept with another guy of whom she was still doing therapy for him and his wife, couples counseling. She has also taken clients money and prescription medication. She also likes to go bar hopping with clients and get drunk with them. It goes on and on with Sonja Cook. She has gotten fired from two jobs but is currently practicing therapy, so beware. She doesn’t discriminate she sleeps with men and women. She is a predator.