First off Jill Sterling Pratt’s son Adam Russell Pratt is a monster. I sent a facebook message to a girl (I thought was a woman) who claims to be underage (she used 3 different names on one facebook account -Sheyla Oliver, Johanna Austen, and Malek Chaieb) trying to tell her Adam was sick and cried to me when I broke up with him about ruining his family and she needed to know that. Well turns out Adam’s family was talking to the teenage girl sending her p**** pictures daily engaging in “live porn & adultry” (he was married at the time) and knew he was cheating and lying to her and they were part of it. My heart goes out to this disturbed young girl. Jill Sterling Pratt went as far as to call me names, post disgusting comments on facebook and lie about what really transpired. In no way shape or form did I “set my sights on him” nor has anyone, let alone someone’s mother, ever referred to me as “a mean spirited b****”. No wonder her son is such an awful human being. He followed me on facebook for 2 years before dating him, he lied to me, he violated me – she knows all of this. She knows what he does to his children with the limited time he spends with them as they are the ones legally mandated to supervise him. She knows what he does to other women and young girls. She even likes thepictures he post of them on faceboom to lure other women in thinking he is a good dad. Meanwhile in the short visit time she takes the kids and leaves him at her house to have skype sex with underage girls even allows him to do it in bed with her grandson. I have texts and screenshots to confirm this as well, it was brought to their guardian’s attent