Melissa Davis Mishawaka, Indiana

My husband and I have been married 5 years. We have had a pretty bad marriage, he’s cheated on me more than once (no actual sex, but conversation/texting) along with lots of fighting because he won’t pull his weight financially or otherwise around the house. He’s also...

Ashlee Kemble Carmel, Indiana

Ashlee Kemble of Indiana. (#akkemble) She slept with a Married Man and had a Baby with him. She got herself pregnant within weeks of the affair. Nicely Played. No, its not all on her, but she is far from innocent. She can tell herself she is a good person, but on her...

Kala Jewell Indianapolis, Indiana

I would like to add a side note about myself and my personality before this little biography of a “home wrecker” ensues. I have always been depicted as having a “realist” personality throughout relationships, whether as a friendship, boyfriend/girlfriend status and...