My friend first met this woman when she moved to Colorado with her fiancé. To keep the story simple, we will call him Brian. She was the girlfriend of one of Brian’s close friends. My friend met her when they all went on a double date. This woman and my friend instantly liked each other. At the time, Kara was going through or had recently been through a divorce and my friend felt sorry for her, especially since she had children. Eventually, my friend and her fiancé moved away from Colorado where Kara lives. My friend soon discovered that her now husband had cheated on her with Kara during their engagement. Kara and Brian had been drinking at the same bar one night and Kara offered to give Brian a ride home. She instead took him back to her place, I don’t know if her children where home or not, but they then had sex. My friend was so devastated and couldn’t understand how Kara and her husband could have done that to her. Especially considering Kara had experienced the heartbreak of divorce herself. My friend is no longer married to Brian but still hurts over the torment that Kara and Brian put her through. This woman does not appear to care who she hurts and I pray that her children are able to find a better role model for their lives. If you live in the Aurora area, STAY AWAY FROM THIS WOMAN! I believe she will do this to anyone if given half a chance.