Cyndee Davis Ironton, Ohio

This woman has had 3 kids by 3 different men, all who hate her and wish they could take back ever hooking up with her. She uses her kids to try a mess up the dad’s relationship with their wifes. She has cheated on every man she’s ever been with and even had a baby...

Joi Marie Lawson Cleveland, Ohio

Joi Marie Lawson is a person who loves to break up families at random. She is currently messing around with Chuck Hixson but she was messing around with his brother James Hixson first. She has also been with several of they’re nephews. She also has a child with my...

Jamie Brooke Mitchell Ohio

Be carefull guys, this one has an STD and will have unprotected sex with you! You can’t get rid of what she has!  She has the gift that keeps on giving…..  If your drunk I hope you have a condom… I would still say no, but its your life.

Tiffany Drumm Marysville, Ohio

Tiffany Drumm is some piece of work if you ask me.  This woman will screw anyone for money or drugs.  My husband was nice and started to lend her some money.  After some time the amount of money he lent her was allot.   He finally said its over, and that is when the...